What’s Up?

Dear Reader,
Election day is just days away, and early voting is already happening. I wanted to use this moment to direct my subscribers to some important opportunities to make a difference in the election beyond the ballot box.
Thanks for being a subscriber.

Top Stories
Voter fraud is widely acknowledged as incredibly rare, as you know, which makes it quite weird that Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales has decided to petition the federal government to determine the citizenship status of ONE IN TEN Indiana residents. It’s also illegal to remove voters from the rolls this close to election – so this is definitely another GOP publicity stunt designed to create some smoke and heat to justify questioning the outcome of the election. More on that. He recently pushed back on that unquestionably true observation but his statement is vague and less than convincing.
Speaking of Republican election interference, why is it that all these unprecedented-in-modern-times incidents of violence, ballot theft, and ballot box tampering seem to be coming from the GOP camp? Could it be that disrespect for free and fair elections trickles down far more efficiently than their economic theories?
I’m making some endorsements! I know, I know, the world is definitely waiting for this news. But I have a newsletter and I’m going to exercise my privilege to tell you that I wholeheartedly endorse Jennifer McCormick and Terry Goodin in the Indiana governor race! Jennifer McCormick is a common sense candidate with a really reasonable platform who is running against a Republican ticket that includes a literal self-described “Christian Nationalist” with an incredibly extreme set of platform proposals. The McCormick/Goodin ticket represents a chance to turn the page on the worst of the last two decades of Indiana politics. We can do this!
Five Things
(Details below.)
My Muse
It’s Get Out The Vote week, and I’ve got opportunities for you to make a real difference in Indiana.
I have been pretty hard on Democrats over the course of my career in Indiana politics. They are definitely not always perfect – and I pride myself on my non-partisan independence. I’m issue oriented, and I value my ability to maintain credibility in multiple worlds with lawmakers and community members on multiple sides of those issues.
But I’ve joined the McCormick campaign as GOTV Director through election day because I believe that we are on the cusp of a historic moment in Indiana. In my years-long fight for LGBTQ equality and women’s rights — the missing piece has always been leadership that has my back. Our back.
So I’m pulling out all the stops. I’m going to work nonstop until the last second of election day on Nov. 5th to make her our next governor. Won’t you join me in calling voters and urging them to get to the polls? McCormick is in striking distance and this final push could make the difference between a win or a loss in Indiana.
We have in-at person and virtual shifts available – here’s how you can get involved:
Near Downtown Indy? Sign up here: https://mobilize.us/s/Bf3TwX
Closer to Carmel? Sign up here: https://mobilize.us/s/ptZ2P7
Virtual more your thing? Sign up here: https://mobilize.us/s/takHvd
Hope to see you out there!